Opportunities come our way from the external realm; our world around us; but it needs the help of people – other people – for you to become aware that the opportunity is available and exists in the outside world. Because without people, nothing will happen. You are a people too!
You can either wait for other people to create something and have to spend your money on acquiring it, or you can create it and have others pay you for it.
Other people’s help is required in order to turn any opportunity into a reality.
You may create something, but if it is not something that somebody wants; something that is practical and applicable, then there will be no market.
Why do you Want these Opportunities to come to You and not someone else?
To answer this question, ask yourself this: If Opportunity was a Person, would it want to come and visit you?
What do you have to offer this visitor?
Opportunities are all around us, but if you do not have the right ‘magnet’ for it to come your way, it will pass you by and go to the next person who does have that magnetism.
The right skill set [which is that magnetising factor], is what is needed in order to attract an opportunity.
So how do we become more valuable?
How do we become more skillful?
How do we upgrade our knowledge?
If you are hardworking, dedicated and committed to your job, why is it then that promotions and recognition passes you by?
Because each of our skills have different applications.
Using Chinese Metaphysics, and the tools we have in CM, we can ascertain these various applications.
Bazi gives us the Awareness of what is coming your way. It offers you alignment with your skills and combining this with action this yields success. Because at the end of the day, information needs action.
Our ‘strengths’ in our BaZi chart opens the door for choices of our opportunities.
QiMen gives us insights as to when, who and what strategy to use to approach to grab our market share of the opportunities which are abound.
Feng Shui creates the right place, right time for these opportunities to be seized. When we create the opportunity and execute upon it, we are the ‘right’ people for the opportunity!
How do you elevate yourself to the next level if you are not there?
At that moment at that point in time when it is passing through the ethers of the world?
Method One : Using Flying Stars [which are ever changing] if you are self-employed / run your own business
In order to see where the next opportunity will be for you, have a look at your own personal Feng Shui Flying Star chart. Locate the Nobleman Sector for this month [this is the energy of the ‘number 1’ Flying Star].
If you need to attract this helpful person into your space, this would also be the area that you would want to use.
Next is to locate the Opportunity Energy [No 6]. This will ensure that you can turn your idea into reality.
Use these energies to be more attractive, and attract relationship opportunities your way, to be able to talk to a person, a new ‘prospect’ [or victim if you like … depending on what you plan on doing with that person]; to be able to connect easier; to be the magnet that they were looking for; if you are looking for a new job; an opening; a shift in your career.
When using the 1:6 combination, it is a is super powerful HeTu application of the Flying Star energies.
Suppose you don’t know how to locate the Flying Stars in your house / office? What then? How do we attract opportunities?
Method 2 : Using your BaZi Chart to locate Wealth Elements [if you work for a salary or want to create another market opportunity]
Heavenly Wealth means wealth opportunities. A salary is not Heavenly Wealth. It is static, it does not change and does not give you new opportunities.
Some might argue that the Universe will provide. Whilst that might be true, the Universe provides something to you that you have attracted in the first place.
For this attraction to happen, you still have to have a specific skill, or a talent, or a hunger to create something, to better yourself; and that is why you attracted it in the first place!
If you want more, you have to create more. It is not just going to land in your lap. You have to take a bit of action.
Where do we find Heavenly Wealth Opportunities?
Every year, the seasonal energies change and this is encapsulated in each of our unique and individual BaZi charts. This energy is what you encapsulated when you started your earthly journey. Just like you were maybe born during spring, at 8h00 in the morning in the month of December, that will always be your information. It does not change. The same with your BaZi information. It does not change.
Chinese Metaphysics is literally a study of the cycles of all things; that have gone before this current time period.
If we are clever, we want to know what happened in the past in order to prepare for what is coming in the future.
Using your BaZi chart then, you will be able to have a snapshot of where you were in the ever changing timeline at the time of your birth - the hour that you were born, the day, the month and the year pillars.
This is not based on any religious perspective whatsoever!
It is based on previous observations, careful notations and cyclical observation of what is the naturally occurring energies around us and based on that, just like the farmers would not plant during winter months, and would get really busy during harvest time, so we can also benefit from knowing what kind of elements are at our disposal to either plant or harvest, or rest with - during any period of time.
Just like winter changes to spring, then summer, then autumn to return to winter, every single year and month and day follows a cycle. These cycles are referred to in the study of Chinese Metaphysics.
Meta-Physics can be seen as the study of that which is more than …
Based upon the studies of the past, we can see that the elements playing a huge part this year in the world at large, is Yang Water and Yang Wood.
Yang Water is destructive in nature. It can be compared to an ocean which is highly unpredictable, can cause a lot of destruction but it is also beautiful to look at. Yang is masculine in nature. It can also mean not taking any prisoners. It just does what it wants. It does not ask you whether you are ready for a change, it tells you “You will change, or else suffer the consequences”.
Yang Wood is like a solid old oak tree, unmoving, with deep roots and gives shelter to many animals. Stands tall and proud in the forest.
An unwillingness to change something in our live often results in a painful process that need to occur to shake our trees! I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to be caught unawares about things that I would prefer to be stable.
How do we use this kind of information when we want to see what is in store for ourselves during 2022?
Think about what you are unmoving about, what are you not willing to change, to give up, to go through the changes with? The Yang Water will make you change. It will bring about something which you might not like to be changed.
Right now, as I am compiling this article, the bitcoin market has just started its collapse. Standing proud, providing shelter from the economic uncertainties in the world for many people, their ‘bottoms have just fallen out’.
Did they pre-empt this crash? Was this foreseen? Some of the students in Chinese Metaphysics have been able to foresee this happening already at the beginning of the year. It was inevitable.
Is this conspiracy theory? No. It is based on observation.
Therefore, when we want to create more wealth opportunities for ourselves, the only symbol that can be utilized for increasing additional wealth opportunities is REN WATER during the year of the Water Tiger 2022.
How to Locate Ren Water
You want to locate this symbol [Ren Water] in any of your BaZi Chart Pillars. The locational placement of this element in your BaZi chart, will give you an indication of what kind of wealth opportunity you could take advantage of. This does not mean that you cant create wealth opportunities somewhere else, this is just an easy way to go about doing it!
Year Pillar: Make more money through social media or through your popularity factor. If you don’t have a social media or lack popularity, then work on this first. Learn everything you can about the social media market, how you can monetize your likeability and popularity in that market and with action steps, consistently taken, you will be able to finish this year in a new wealth bracket.
Month Pillar: If you are working for a salary, or have limited income, you want to learn a new skill or create and launch a new product that can be used at work. You may not like it but you do in order to upskill and make more money. If you have more skills, you are in higher demand and your wealth increases.
Day Pillar: Learn to practice your hobby and make your hobby your side-gig. If you don’t have a hobby, find one and be really good at it in order to monetize on it.
Hour Pillar: Utilize your thinking abilities. Think of money-making ideas, pay attention to it and share it with somebody who can, if you are not able to use it personally.
Luck Pillar: You have the ability to monetize your knowledge. Be observant of friends and your environment as a whole. What is the environment telling you right now that there is a lack of? What do people need? Be more alert of what the environment is telling you. Use this information to make money. Learn to read the ‘trends’ and become a #BusyBody!
We trust this information has assisted you to pre-empt some of the changes that may occur and that you are able to monetize your opportunities in the year of 2022.
Here's to You Seeing & Taking Advantage of All The Opportunities that are abound in 2022!
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